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元極舞  第五集:  春滿人間 (Chuen Man Ren Jian)
Yuan Ji Dance Set-5th: Spring Spring Spring - Health and Fortune Dance












節名稱 Name of Each Segment:


1.   春光燦爛 (Chuen Guang Tsan Lan) Gorgeous Spring

    2.   江山多嬌 (Jiang Shan Duo Jiao) Beauties in the Kingdom

    3.   喜樂田園 (Hsi Leh Tian Yuan) Happy Farm/Yard Garden

    4.   水淨月圓 (Shuey Jing Yue Yuan) The Round Moon Reflects Silent Water

    5.   雲天紫霞 (Yun Tian Tsi Hsia) Cloudy Sky with Violet Rays

    6.   春滿人間 (Chuen Man Ren Jian) Spring Fills the Earth




1.   春光燦爛 Gorgeous Spring
雙手擎起金色太陽 Both hands raise up the golden sun,
身心沐浴萬道霞光 Body and soul bathe in the endless light of dusk,
舂風染盡三千綠     Three thousand green pastures soak in the spring breeze,
百花綻開柳相依     Hundreds of blossoms cradle into the blooming green.

2.   江山多嬌 Beauties in the Kingdom
山如碧浪大江去 The mountain is like green waves flowing to the river,
水似青天照眼明 Water is like the sparkling eye of the blue sky,
風舞松濤聲自古 Breeze is like the sound of the dancing ancient pine,
千里鶯啼綠映紅 Singing of nightingales thousand miles away reflects green and red.

3.   喜樂田園 Happy Farm/Yard Garden
手把秧禾插稻田 Planting saplings in the field by hand,
低頭便見水中天 Looking down in the water can see the reflection of the sky
順其自然方成稻 Nature will make the saplings grow,
退步原來是向前 Understanding walking backwards is in fact moving forward.

4.   水淨月圓 The Round Moon Reflects Silent Water
萬頃碧波明月圓 The moon is round seen from the millions of waves,
桃花流水魚兒躍 Lively fish and peach blossoms flow in the running stream,
青箬笠綠簑衣     Blue straw hat with green straw coat,
和風細雨不思歸 Gentle breeze & drizzle makes one forget to return home.

5.   雲天紫霞 Cloudy Sky with Violet Rays
輕輕紫霞中 In the midst of light violet rays,
青山丹鼎昇 Stands out the tall green mountain,
雲天瑤池淨 Clear pond reflects the sky full of clouds,
瓊簫飄天風 Beautiful sound of flute in the breeze,
一去霄漢上 Ascend into the sky,
The palace is seen below,
芳樹羅仙杖 Scented trees in the midst of heavenly canes,
香隨舞袖飛 The aroma follows the sleeves when dancing.

6.   春滿人間 Spring Fills the earth
雙手擎起金色太陽 Both hands raise up the golden sun,
身心沐浴萬道霞光 Body and soul bathe in the endless light from dusk,
春風吹綠神州大地 Spring breeze brings green to the whole wide world,
萬紫千紅滿人間     The world is filled with the color of the rainbow.


書寫: Julie Chow 吕瑞

音譯: Lunan Wang 王魯南, Milpitas Team

意譯: Translated by Maisy