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元極舞  第十集: 吉祥如意 (Ji Hsiang Ru Yi)
Yuan Ji Dance Set-10th: Auspicious With-Fulfilling



在現代社會,人們越來越意識到健康的重要性,只有身體健康,才能為社會為家庭做更多更大的貢獻,才能充分的享受美好生活,尤其 老年人,身體健 康, 不 托累子女,讓他們安心工作,便是為社會做貢獻,更是生命質量的提升。










節名稱 Name of Each Form:


1.  福到人間  Fu Dao Ren Jien
Fortune Reaching Human Realm.

2.  人天同樂 Ren Tien Tong Leh
Happiness of Human and Heaven

3.  廣傳道德 Guang Tsuan Dao De
Dissemination of Morality

4.  善緣好運 Shan Yuan Hao Yuen
Positive Destiny and Luck

5.  吉祥如意 Ji Hsiang Ru Yi
Auspicious wish-fulfilling 



福到人間  (Fu Dao Ren Jien) Fortune Reaching Human Realm.

福到人間百花開 (Fu dao ren jien bai hua kai)
Fortune reaching human realm and hundred flowers bloom.

百花仙子獻舞來 (Bai hua shien zi shien wu lai)
The angel of hundred flowers has come to offer dance.

吉祥如意人間撒 (Ji shiang ru yi ren jien sa)
Sprinkling the auspicious wish-fulfilling on the human realm.

香隨舞袖飛天外 (Shiang sui wu shiu fei tien wai)
The fragrance flies to the heaven along with the dancing sleeves.

2.   人天同樂 (Ren Tien Tong Leh) Happiness of Human and Heaven.

空中祥雲繞瑞采 (Kong chung shiang yun rao rei tsai)
Auspicious clouds in the sky, surrounded by propitious color.

山川大地盡開懷 (Shan chuan da di jin dai huai)
The mountain, river and great earth in full bloom.

芳草花樹齊歡笑 (Fang tsao hua shu chi huan shiao)
Fragrant plants and trees in complete bliss.

人間同樂福門開 (Ren jien tong le fu men dai)
Human and heaven equally joyous, opening the door of fortune.

3.   廣傳道徳 (Guang Tsuan Dao De) Dissemination of Morality

天地正氣民族魂 (Tien di cheng chi min jsu hwen, hai – hai hai – hai hai)
Right atomosphere of heaven and earth, human soul.

承前啓後固徳根 (Cheng chen chi hou ku de ken, hai – hai hai – hai hai)
Bearing the past, onlightening future, strengthen the root of virtue.

廣傳道徳獻大愛 (Kuang chuan dao de, shien da ai)
Disseminate the morality and contribute the great love.

福不用求自尋來 ( Fu pu yung chiu zi shun lai)
Fortune need not be sought, but will come naturally.

4.    善緣好運 (Shan Yuan Hao Yuen) Positive Destiny and Luck

獻愛心, 為大眾, 方可護福 (Shien ai shin, wei da chung, fang ke hu fu)
Contribute love for the people only then will be happiness.

真誠心, 善良人, 自有天助 (Jen cheng shin, shan liang renm zi yiou tien juh)
Honesty and good person will naturally be helped by the heaven.

結善緣, 有好運, 根夲道理 (Jie shan yuan , yiou hao yun, ken ben dao li)
Positive connection with others will be fortunate, this is the basic principle.

合天心, 順民意, 心想事成 (Heh tien shin, shun min yi, shin shiang shih cheng)
In harmony with the wish of heaven and human will be successful.

5.    吉祥如意 (Ji Hsiang Ru Yi) Auspicious Wish-Fulfilling

感恩祖徳蔭子孫 (Gan en tzu de yin zi suen)
Gratitude to the ancestors’ virtue, guards our future generations.

政通人和養藜民 (Chen tong ren heh yian li min)
Coherent polities, harmonious human and cultivate the people.

六和乾坤偕安泰 (Liou heh chien kun jie un tai)
Peace among all the directions, heaven and earth.

太平盛世亨天倫 (Tai ping sheng shi Shiang tien luen)
Time of peace and prosperity, benefit familial happiness.

書寫: Julie Chow吕瑞珠
音譯: 中華民國元極舞協會, Milpitas Team

意譯: 中華民國元極舞協會